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Amazon Gives Merchants Free Business Prime Duo Access

Amazon Business has announced its intention to simplify the purchase process for small business owners.

Amazon Gives Merchants Free Business Prime Duo Access

On Tuesday, June 27, the retail giant’s B2B purchasing store announced that membership in the Business Prime Duo for Amazon Prime members who also make business purchases is now free. The cost of this subscription was previously $69 per year.

The company’s press release contains information that Business Prime Duo is a business subscription of the e-commerce giant, through which small business owners receive a single solution that combines tools for shopping for entrepreneurship and access to prices only for businessmen for individual goods. Also, in this case, fast free delivery is provided.

The e-commerce giant claims that this program allows small business representatives to differentiate expenses, defining part of the funds spent as personal expenses and classifying the rest of the money spent as business expenses. The company’s offer also helps entrepreneurs track business expenses while optimizing accounting and taxes.

In March, Amazon’s 3-Way Match feature was added to the mobile app for B2B shoppers. This feature, which was previously available only with desktop or portable scanners, provides customers with the opportunity to scan the barcode of an incoming parcel to mark it as received and complete the purchase order process.

Industry studies indicate that many companies currently consider automated purchases as a means of reducing the impact of certain barriers to the movement of money. In the UK and the USA, about 30% of enterprises intend to improve their cost management system.

Other recent Amazon offerings for small businesses include a new plan to attract entrepreneurs to a delivery program that allows them to earn income from delivered parcels. Last week, the e-commerce giant announced the beginning of cooperation with YouLend. This partnership aims to support cash-strapped merchants in the UK.

Currently, small and medium-sized businesses are looking for a solid financial foundation. These efforts are a necessity in an inflationary environment. In the US, 40% of small and medium-sized enterprises said that their inflation concerns have increased compared to last year. Also, 15% of representatives of the business sector are concerned about a decrease in income.

The concerns of entrepreneurs are justified. In the current conditions, it is extremely difficult to calculate positive prospects in the absence of a solid financial base or access to funds, the number of problems with which is only growing.

According to the results of a special survey, it was found that in the United States, 34% of small and medium-sized businesses do not use loans, but have appropriate plans. Also, 14% of respondents said they want to expand their external financing.

Serhii Mikhailov

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Serhii’s track record of study and work spans six years at the Faculty of Philology and eight years in the media, during which he has developed a deep understanding of various aspects of the industry and honed his writing skills; his areas of expertise include fintech, payments, cryptocurrency, and financial services, and he is constantly keeping a close eye on the latest developments and innovations in these fields, as he believes that they will have a significant impact on the future direction of the economy as a whole.