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Nvidia Unveils Humanoid Robot Project

Nvidia begins the history of its presence in the humanoid robotics area.

Nvidia Unveils Humanoid Robot Project

The mentioned company presented its new development called Project GR00T. This product belongs to the category of humanoid robotics but is not a standard device for this area. Nvidia announced the artificial intelligence system at its developer conference this week. This product is multifunctional and able to solve many tasks, including generating text materials, images, and videos.

Nvidia’s project called GR00T (Generalist Robot 00 technology) was developed so that robots can understand natural language and reproduce movements by observing people. This product will allow robots to quickly get skills, including dexterity and coordination, necessary for navigation and adaptation to the habitat of human civilization and subsequent effective interaction with this space.

Nvidia founder and CEO Jensen Huang said during the above-mentioned conference that building foundation models for humanoid robots is currently one of the most exciting tasks in the artificial intelligence industry. According to him, technologies are now being combined that allow leading roboticists around the world to make a giant leap. In this case, it means progress in artificial general robotics.

Nvidia also presented two contributions to its Isaac robotics platform: Isaac Manipulator. In this case, it means a collection of foundation models for controlling robotic arms. Nvidia also presented Isaac Perceptor, which provides robots with advanced visual capabilities.

Another new development of the company, led by Jensen Huang, was Jetson Thor. This product is a central processing unit for humanoid robots. Jetson Thor facilitates the solution of complex tasks and ensures smooth and safe interaction between people and machines.

The development of robotics is linked to the artificial intelligence industry. AI will become a kind of robot consciousness platform. The corresponding prospects for progress in the technology sector have an ambiguous assessment in the space of public discourse. Currently, there is an opinion that robots will become assistants that will greatly facilitate human life and increase the level of productivity in many spheres of activity. At the same time, there are supporters of the alarmist perception of machines that imitate humans and have an independent mind. In this case, it implies the perception of robots as a source of a destructive threat on a global scale.

It is worth noting that the mentioned machines have not yet been fully integrated into the space of material reality. For this reason, any reflections on the topic of interaction between robots and humans are just assumptions. The point of view that in this case a kind of environment of technological beings is being formed that will destroy human civilization is a perception of the future within the framework of the paradigm of the fantastic. Robots mostly belong to the category of developments whose potential has not been fully realized. For this reason, any unambiguous statements and assessments are premature.

As we have reported earlier, Nvidia CEO Announces New AI Chips.

Serhii Mikhailov

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Serhii’s track record of study and work spans six years at the Faculty of Philology and eight years in the media, during which he has developed a deep understanding of various aspects of the industry and honed his writing skills; his areas of expertise include fintech, payments, cryptocurrency, and financial services, and he is constantly keeping a close eye on the latest developments and innovations in these fields, as he believes that they will have a significant impact on the future direction of the economy as a whole.