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CFOs Today Hold More Decision-Making Power than Previous Generations

Accenture has published a report on the role CFOs play in the accelerated digital transformation process, revealing the issue of the?“paradox of choice,” increasingly putting executives under pressure


CFOs today hold more decision-making power in accelerated digital transformation: Accenture. Image: pexels.com

A recent report from Accenture revealed that 93% of CFOs feel the responsibility they have today is much greater than in the past.

While 90% of C-suite executives said their organisations are undergoing an accelerated digital transformation, CFOs are often tasked with business-critical decisions, that impact the whole organisation rather than a finance department only. Thus, financial executives are often involved in sustainability initiatives, workplace transformations, and even business model re-invention.

Therefore, understanding the corporate aspects which help to accelerate interconnected transformations is a critical skill for modern CFOs. Since optimising numerous non-related operations and fuelling a company’s growth today requires finance-related technology, data and artificial intelligence (AI), effective reinvention presupposes that CFOs should make complicated, interrelated decisions at speed.

The research shows that 68% of respondents’ organisations conduct three or more transformation initiatives simultaneously. Moreover, 86% of the surveyed executives noted that the time limits for the decision-making process have shrunk.

That is why CFOs today face the phenomenon known as the “paradox of choice.” When a person?has too many options to choose from, it causes stress, slows down and complicates decision-making. It is no wonder that 67% of CFOs feel overwhelmed and “paralysed at times” by the number of decisions they have to make and the volume of available choices.

As a result, Accenture recommends:

  • prioritising between business-as-usual responsibilities and working on transformation,
  • focusing on delivering measurable results from each strategic decision,
  • adjusting your leadership style to the organisation’s needs, and
  • building a complementary team?that can strengthen the CFOs weak points


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Nina Bobro

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Nina is passionate about financial technologies and environmental issues, reporting on the industry news and the most exciting projects that build their offerings around the intersection of fintech and sustainability.