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How to use plug-ins and third-party services against data theft

Dan Martin



data theft

How to use plug-ins and third-party services against data theft. Source: pixabay.com

Third-party applications and plug-ins perform specialized and critical functions in data protection. They help internet users to log in to various websites securely. You can also use them to store usernames, passwords, and other sensitive credentials belonging to different online accounts.

In short, they make manual tasks that could be tedious much easier. These important details and files that third-party services hold have made them a major target for attackers. But then, there are ways that you can use them to protect your data and seal all the existing security holes.

Secure password generation

Secure password generation. Source: pixabay.com

These services can either help you secure your password-protected accounts or not. As an internet user, the passwords you use on various platforms are critical to you. A simple leakage of your password could lead to a serious data breach that will cause irreversible damage to you.

Thus, the first thing to do is ensure that you use the right password manager. With several options available on the internet today, you can easily fall prey to scammers. Or you may end up using a password manager with a weak security system and is susceptible to attacks.

Consider your needs before choosing the plug-in or third-party service to use. An ideal password manager should help you to generate passwords securely. Besides, it needs to have proper security to guarantee you adequate storage and secure password retrieval in case you forget.

Multi-factor authentication

It is vital to ensure there’s extra security online before you start using the internet. Although plug-ins and third-party services protect from attacks, you can use other features that come with them to enhance security. One of the best features that they come with is two-factor authentication.

If you have used this feature before, you can appreciate how much it enhances security. Logging into various websites requires a password, but sometimes, someone may steal your passwords. If your password ends up in the wrong hands, your entire network and data will be at risk.

That makes it essential for you to ensure that you enable multi-factor authentication. When choosing a password manager, confirm that it has this feature to be guaranteed proper security. Implementing multi-factor authentication ensures that every login request gets verified before getting accepted.

Automated password updates

You can also use plug-ins and third-party services for automated password updates. If you want to use this feature, check whether the service you’re choosing offers it. The best thing about these services is that they can easily detect when an attack on your account succeeds.

They then proceed to block the login attempt and create a new password for you. You will receive the updated password and use it to log into your account. The best thing about this feature is that everything happens automatically, making it suitable for account protection.

It is the perfect solution for people that do not regularly check their online accounts. Most top-quality password managers come with this feature to help you protect your network. It offers you one of the best ways to use these services to prevent data breaches.

Encryption and data backup

Encryption and data backup. Source: pixabay.com

Personal data transmitted through your system and servers need protection. The online environment is becoming risky every day, making it vital to come up with security solutions. As you strive to protect your system, the plug-ins and third-party services you use will be important.

If you’re going to use a proxy for encryption, make sure that it is compatible with these services. That will ensure the passwords you submit to websites through these services don’t get into the wrong hands. Proxies encrypt the system and make it possible to prevent hackers from infiltrating it.

You can also use data backups to secure your critical data. If you have a third-party service, you should not lay your entire trust on it and fail to prepare yourself for eventualities. Hackers won’t access your data even if they steal your password if you have activated backups on your website and accounts.

Have an pdated antivirus

You can also use third-party services to protect your systems by combining them with antivirus software. Attackers use several techniques to access protected networks – malware and viruses are perfect examples. To prevent them, you need to detect the threats first, and antivirus will be helpful.

It is therefore important to invest in a quality antivirus that will give you the desired results. It should detect malware that could have infiltrated your system and the third-party services you use. That will ensure the sensitive data such as passwords that you’ve stored in these services remain secure.

But then, you not only need to have an antivirus for your network. You always need to keep the antivirus updated to ensure continued protection from attackers. An out-of-date antivirus serves no purpose but makes you more vulnerable by increasing the security holes in your network.


Integration is very vital in today’s online environment. You may not finish a process without using two or more tools, and thus, the tools you use need to integrate easily. The password manager you use needs to easily integrate with any other tools you want to use for security purposes.

Before you choose a third-party service or plug-in, make sure that you have tested it critically. Ensure it is compatible with the security tools you use, such as antiviruses, VPNs, or proxies. Testing will help you know how reliable a third-party service will be in terms of protection.

You should also ensure that these tools can work on different platforms. If you’re going to use Windows, make sure that the tool works on macOS to continue using it should you change your device. You can easily integrate your security tools with other security features and get the desired results.

Application testing

Regular testing of the applications you have can also help you to prevent data breaches. Every application that you have integrated with your system needs to be updated and working perfectly. Failure in applications may present potential opportunities for attackers to enter your system.

It is also vital to use third-party services that you’ve already tested. Check whether their security features are up-to-date and if they can prevent any attempts to steal your data. Regular testing also helps you to know when it is time to update your software and seal any security loopholes that could be existing.

Thus, plug-ins and third-party can be important tools for anyone who wants to secure their systems. Test them regularly to ensure your network is always protected. There’re lots of online testing tools that you can use for this purpose.


It has become difficult for internet users to work without using any third-party services. The use of passwords to access various websites has made it critical to use these services. Most data breaches happen when internet users do not practice good password hygiene and management.

The best thing about third-party services is the extra convenience they bring. They make passwords more manageable without compromising your security. It would be best to have good cyber-hygiene when using these services to avoid creating more security holes on your network.


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