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Tesla to launch tech that detects children left in hot cars

Elon Musk has announced the company is exploring new safety features


Tesla to launch tech that detects children left in hot cars. Source: shutterstock.com

Tesla is currently working on the development of a motion-detection device that can detect a child left behind in a hot car.

The company revealed the system would leverage radar imaging to assess body size to differentiate between adults and children in the car. That would optimize airbag deployment in a crash – more effectively than existing weight-based, in-seat sensor systems.

According to the report, the device would also help to reduce the risk of pediatric vehicular heatstroke, protect vehicle occupants from injury through advanced airbag deployment and seatbelt reminders.

What is more, that sensor could improve Tesla’s theft protection system as well. For instance, the radar could detect a broken window or car invasion.

The company is now seeking approval from the Federal Communications Commission to market the technology.

We’ve reported that Mitsubishi Electric Corporation?has announced?the development of a cooperative AI technology. According to information, that improves work collaboration between humans and machines by using inverse reinforcement learning (IRL).


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