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Things to consider when running your first startup

Paul Calderon



Starting your own business is probably the most important decision you’ve made. Be careful, without proper involvement, a thorough SWOT analysis, and constant support, you might not be able to succeed.

Yes, having an idea is great; but anybody can have an idea. The important thing is to support your idea with action and constant involvement. You’ve got to start off the right way before hitting those big numbers. You’ve got to believe in your business and do it for the right reason. You’ve got to be prepared – this article will help you explore and consider the most important things when running your first startup. But first, let’s see why you should even bother starting.


Things to consider when running your first startup. Source; pexels.com

Why should I start my own business?

There are just so many reasons why you should start your own business. But I don’t want to overwhelm you by talking about all of them at the same time. Here are the most important reasons.

  • You will be motivated to do exactly what you like. No, you will not be working for someone else’s dreams anymore. You will be working for your own dreams. This is incredibly helpful when it comes to motivation; and if you are well-motivated, your behavior will change, and your belief system will improve. You’ll become more empowered and there will be nothing you cannot do.
  • You will finally follow your passion. Yes, everybody talks about following theirs, but not many succeed in doing so. By starting your own business, you could be one of those people making a difference.
  • You’ll have money to support what you believe in. If, for example, you’re terrified of animal cruelty and want to support this cause, you will be able to. First, because you’ll have the money, and second, because you’ll have the needed support from your sponsors (non-financial).
  • Maybe this is self-explanatory, but you’ll achieve financial success in no time. Being independent and having your own money to spend feels great and empowering. It means you made it! If you don’t have money to start the business now, you should get a part-time job and start saving up. You could be a freelancer or customer service specialist – I’m just saying, I don’t know what you enjoy doing. In any case, find time to work even as a student. If you need homework help in Canada, you can always check with any assignments specialists and have the school tasks done in no time. Sometimes we’ve got to make sacrifices to get what we want in life, and if that means getting writing help, so be it. Education is important but so is money.
  • You can control your own schedule and make it more flexible if you need to. Right now, you might be a student but later, you’ll have a family; being able to hang out with your kids whenever you want is a big plus.

What should I consider before starting my business?

1. Know yourself as an entrepreneur

Starting a company in an unfamiliar field might not bring you the success you’re envisioning. That’s because you don’t have the necessary skills to succeed in that industry – and other people do. Make sure you analyze your strengths before starting your own business and get to know yourself as an entrepreneur. What will you be doing? How will you implement an idea, and what skills are you bringing to the table? Know exactly what you know and where you’re headed.

2. Know your motivation

Many people start their own businesses without any purpose. They do it for the money or they simply do it because “it sounds cool.” This is not a good reason. You should find a real purpose you’re striving for if you want to be successful. Your motivation is important. If you cannot find an authentic one, you might fail. Startups mean a lot of hard work and long hours, so without a good purpose, you can’t succeed.

3. Map out a business plan

Now that you know what you’re in for and where you’re headed, it’s time to start taking action. As I said before, anybody can have an idea, but not anybody can develop an action plan. This is what draws the line between real entrepreneurs and fake ones. write an executive summary of your ideas and develop an effective business model. Make sure you’re researching the market and your competitors and get real-time tracking of that. Don’t forget to find a team to work with if you don’t already have one and start writing your business plan.

4. Think about ways to fund your business

No business can succeed (or even start) without funding, so make sure you’re doing this before getting started. Think of any relatives or friends you can reach out to at first. Then, start hitting up various investors and pitch your idea to them. Don’t forget about business angels, bank business loans, invoice finances, and venture capital.

5. Create an effective marketing strategy

Your next move is creating a marketing strategy that works. Get your product ready to sell before anything and position your offer to any interested stakeholders. Set the price at the right level and choose an effective marketing route. You could sell online or offline, depending on your business model. In any case, be flexible and stay prepared to change your strategy as many times as needed.

Wrapping up

Starting your own business means becoming financially independent and growing a successful mindset. People who start their own businesses are powerful and motivated – they love their job and do it for pleasure. So go through the above steps and find out what you’re passionate about. Then start working hard towards your dream.

Paul Calderon is a writing specialist and engineer. He works with students and helps them succeed academically. Paul likes to write on topics such as marketing, entrepreneurship, and business. In his free time, Paul plays chess and goes horse-riding.?


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