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Finance & Economics

What You Need To Know When Switching Careers

Isabella Goode



If you’re ready for a change and you’re thinking of pursuing a new career, then take a look at our post below. We’ll be covering some of the key things for you to consider when changing up your career path. Keep reading if you want to know more.

Will Your Current Skills Carry Over?

Compare the career you currently have to the career you’re going to go into and consider whether or not your skills and knowledge are transferable. What you could you take from your current role and into your new one to help you get started? It’s important to contemplate this for your own consideration and list it on your CV or during interviews.

Discovering Job Opportunities

Before you decide to switch careers, research the field you plan to go into and what the availability is like in terms of opportunities. If you don’t have a career in mind, have a look which jobs provide good prospects, and whether they would suit you. Try and find out what potential employers could be looking for from candidates and what you can do to help you and your CV stand out from the crowd. Finding the right job opportunities for your career change may not be as simple as just looking on a job search website (although they are a useful resource to use). It’s worth looking directly on company websites to see if they have posted job opportunities. You could even reach out to them via telephone or email to enquire about positions. Make sure you list yourself on professional sites to help you network with potential employers and managers.

Expanding Your Professional Contacts

If you want to try and break into a new career path, it can be a good idea to try and increase your professional contacts and get your name out there. Networking with like-minded individuals and people involved in the field of work you’re trying to break into will help you to find out about potential job opportunities and employers looking to recruit for their team. It also gives you the chance to meet people you can learn valuable insight and knowledge from to prepare you for future professional roles.

Working Out How Much You Could Earn

Part of your consideration for a career change could potentially involve the level of salary you want to earn. If so, then it’s a good idea to get a rough estimation of what you can expect to earn in your new role. Conduct some research into your new career choice to see how much you could earn and whether this fits your needs. It will help you to make the decision about whether jumping into another type of career would be right for you. It will also help you to learn what you can expect when reviewing job opportunities and whether you’re being offered a fair salary or not.

Qualifications, Training, And Experience

You should also find out if there is any necessary training, qualifications, or experience you will need in order to move into your new career. Some employers could expect to see a certain standard of training or education in order to consider you for a role. Some careers are easier to break into without formal education or in-depth training, so it will depend on which career you plan to move into. A lot of employers may even overlook a lack of formal education if you possess the right qualities for the job, or you’ve shown that you’re willing to use your time to build experience relevant to the role. For example, you could volunteer your services with a similar company or organisation that will equip you with expertise to carry into a professional role. If you’re really committed to a career change, it may be that you’re willing to undertake some form of education to qualify you for the new position. However, this is a big decision, so be sure to give it plenty of thought.

Interview Skills

If it’s been a while since your last interview, it can be a good idea to brush up on your interviews skills and tactics. For example, how are your communication and speaking skills? Do you need to work on building up your confidence? Try and find out as much as you can about the individual companies you will be interviewed by so you can go into them prepared with plenty of knowledge about them. Consider what questions could be asked and how you would answer them to reflect you in the best light. Going into your interviews well-prepared shows that you have the initiative to think ahead and that you’re serious about the job. If you can only give short and generic answers to questions it could be off-putting for potential employers.


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