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How to Get More Views on Facebook Videos?

Getting more Facebook video views is something that is often overlooked by many creators and brands. Just like other social media platforms, Facebook focuses on visual content. Therefore, videos are just as important as photos. For this reason, video views cannot be ignored as a metric, not if you want your Facebook page to succeed.

How to Get More Views on Facebook Videos?

Convincing more Facebook users to check out your videos takes time, so those who want faster popularity buy Facebook views instead. While purchasing views is an excellent way to boost numbers and perhaps even convince others that your videos are worth watching, you don’t want to spend money immediately. There are many ways to make Facebook’s algorithms promote your content, and we have the perfect solutions for you.

In this post, we’ll take a look at the different things that may affect the view rate and tell you how to get more views in Facebook videos. Let’s get started!

What Can Impact Your Facebook Video View Rate?

Just because you post a video you’ve planned for a long time and worked on extensively doesn’t mean Facebook users will see it or even be interested in watching it in the first place. In fact, several factors might affect your video view rate. If you consider these things, you will have a higher chance of getting the video views you desire:

1. Multiple Simultaneous Campaigns

In an attempt to promote your business and services, you may be running multiple ad campaigns at the same time. This isn’t bad, but when your campaigns overlap, you’re splitting your views across several videos, competing with yourself for the same target audience. Therefore, your views will decrease on certain videos, particularly if you exaggerate the number of campaigns.

2. Your Market Demand

When you reserve a campaign on Facebook, your target audience’s market demand will influence the cost of getting the view. However, if you make a campaign for a Thursday but you only reserve it for Friday, the costs for views will increase.

3. Your Available Budget

You must have a certain budget based on how long you’ve been in business or how much you’re willing to spend on your marketing campaign. Well, the money you are willing to invest into your promotion will influence what Meta services you can use to obtain your views.

4. Video Optimization

People are not going to watch your videos from one platform only. Chances are they’ll browse content from at least three separate devices: their personal computer, smartphone, and tablet. This is why you need to optimize your videos so users can watch them from all platforms if you want to gain views.

5. Your Target Audience

Determining your target audience is crucial before launching your campaign. However, you must also know the costs of reaching your audience. It’s cheaper to pay for a larger audience as it offers more chances to obtain views, whereas with a smaller audience, it’s harder to compete for views, making it pricier.

How to Get More Views for Your Facebook Videos?

How to Get More Views for Your Facebook Videos?

Whether your video content is something you post on your news feed to keep your Facebook followers informed or involves a video ad campaign, one thing’s for sure – you need views. It doesn’t matter if you are an independent creator or a business page – getting views on your videos will determine how successful you become on the social media platform. So, are you ready to take over users’ news feeds with your posts? Here are several social media marketing techniques that will boost your video content on Facebook:

1. Select an Interesting Video Thumbnail Image

Overlooking your video thumbnails would be a huge mistake. When people look at new Facebook pages, they want to see visually appealing or intriguing content. How are you going to convince potential viewers that your videos are worth watching if not by choosing a compelling thumbnail?

You cannot just go with the motion-blurred image automatically chosen by Facebook when posting the video because people will just see this as a personal post that is of no relevance to them. It’s up to you to select a more exciting photo that gives them a small insight into the video, telling them to click on the post if they want to learn more.

Don’t hesitate to use a photo-editing program to make the picture more attractive.

2. Don’t Forget Captions

Captions tell viewers what is happening in the video without them having to watch the content with sound. In fact, did you know that many Facebook users watch videos on low volume or even on mute? This is why you need to optimize your content to make it more accessible for these users.

Besides, some of your audience members may be people with hearing difficulties or even deafness. Once you add captions, you improve your reach as well.

3. Make Sure the Video Is Uploaded to Facebook Directly

You probably think posting the video on a different platform and sharing it on Facebook will work. Well, believe it or not, most people will not rush to your other platform to watch the content, whether we’re talking about regular or live videos.

Videos perform better when you upload them directly to Facebook. If you post content as YouTube videos and then share a link to Facebook, chances are it will go unnoticed, or people will not care to click on it.

Also, if you want them on other social media sites, you can just post the video separately on each account. However, don’t make the content identical on all apps. Make a few changes here and there based on where the content will be uploaded. This way, you won’t negatively impact its performance.

4. Use Facebook Ads

As long as they don’t go overboard with the salesy language, Facebook ads are a great option when you’re trying to boost your video views. In fact, you can even run a campaign that focuses on Facebook video views.

An ad campaign will target specific audiences, which can make it more likely for you to get the engagement you’re looking for.

5. Check Out Your Competitors

The battle for video views is so intense not only because you have to work hard and spend so much time and money to create videos that stand out but also because other pages are trying to achieve the same goal. After all, what influencer or business page doesn’t want to bathe in views and interactions from their followers?

So, how do you convince users to watch your video content instead of your competitor’s posts? By taking a few lessons from your rivals, of course! But proceed with caution – just because you can take inspiration from them doesn’t mean you can completely copy their recipe for successful content. All you have to do is see what works for them and do it in an even better way. The crowd will rush to see your content if you have more to offer.

6. Post Square Videos

It’s not a secret that many Facebook users watch videos from their smartphones nowadays. Square videos are an ideal format for mobile devices, so if you want to have more success with your video views, don’t hesitate to optimize your content for different smartphone platforms, too.

7. Don’t Forget to Add a Title

Small details, such as a video title, can significantly change how people approach your content. Rather than leaving a pre-determined title for your videos, choose a proper title that tells potential followers what to expect from that piece of content. Believe it or not, they’ll be more inclined to click on something with a title instead of something without one.

The title can be changed after you’ve uploaded your video.

8. Choose the Right Time to Post

Choose the Right Time to Post

Every Facebook page has a specific audience. Depending on who your fans are, they will have specific times when they check the news feed and thus the videos that pop up. Unless you try to post at the right time, many of your followers will miss your posts, decreasing your views.

This is why you should use a Facebook analytics tool to find out when your target audience tends to be active so you can post your videos at the right time.

9. Share on Your Story

Facebook has a story feature that comes in handy when you’re trying to get more Facebook video views. The stories stay there for 24 hours before being deleted. What’s great about them is that they can share information with your followers and inform them about new content.

Perhaps your video was missed by some followers, but if you share it using your Facebook stories feature, the content will reach those who haven’t seen it as well, thus boosting your views.

10. Share to Other Platforms

Facebook videos don’t have to stay on Facebook only. You may have fans who follow you on Instagram or other platforms but not on Facebook. Sharing a post from Facebook to another social media app will reach a larger audience and bring you more views.

11. Don’t Hesitate to Go Live

You may have noticed that many influencers and businesses host live streams where they share new things or talk to their followers. It may seem time-consuming, but going live can have many benefits.

Potential followers and people who already follow your page get to know you better, forming a connection with you, which may convince them to check out your video content. You’ll be able to get more impressions and persuade more individuals to follow your page.

Just remember to go live at the right times. This strategy will be less effective if you’re live when your audience is inactive.

12. Tag Other People or Pages

What better way to convince someone to share your post than by tagging them? If certain people appear in your video, you should tag them. By sharing your content, they will bring you more views and perhaps even new followers in the process.

Ensure you don’t tag accounts that have nothing to do with the video. It would make you look desperate and even lead to your video being marked as spam.

Final Thoughts

You can also find out how to get more video views on this Twitter account, and pick an effective strategy there. The good news is that if you post at the right times, tag the people in the video, optimize content for more platforms, and add captions, you can significantly improve your chances of getting views and likes. It’s a journey that takes time, but by applying the tips here, you won’t have problems getting your videos noticed.

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