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Fintech & Ecommerce

Top 10 fintech podcasts to listen to for free

Let’s consider the top 10 fintech podcasts you can listen to for free

top 10 fintech podcasts

Top 10 fintech podcasts to listen to for free. Source: unsplash.com

Learning with podcasts has proven to be both effective and convenient. People can find out about the things they’re interested in on the go. Moreover, receiving information in such a way may be better for your brain and eyes already loaded with tons of visual content.

Therefore, PaySpace Magazine Global has prepared a shortlist of inspiring and educational podcasts dedicated to fintech. The bonus is – all of them are free to listen and enjoy.

1. Wharton Fintech

The students of Wharton School of Business in Philadelphia have created a unique fintech initiative on their campus. This podcast filled with ideas, opinions, and comments of the world fintech leaders is a part of the student-led project. The guests come from many different FinTech spheres: neo banking, investments, insurtech, SaaS, acceleration ventures, lending, etc. Together with eager students, they speak about opportunities, business experience, and industry disruption.

2. Breaking Banks

This weekly podcast brings insights into technological advances in banking and finance. The reputable hosts and guests discuss the success and failure stories of industry players from the incumbents to unicorns; review corporate cultures and biases; bring up the RegTech innovations that might facilitate positive market changes; discuss the investment trends, data security, identification issues, and many more. The podcast is created by Brett King, an Australian futurist, influential author, co-founder and CEO of Moven, a New York-based mobile banking startup.

3. Around the Coin

This award-winning content is available via multiple channels: iTunes, Stitcher, YouTube, Quora, Spotify, Google Play, SoundCloud, Player FM, Medium, Twitter, and Facebook. In addition, you can listen to these thought-provoking interviews and conversations directly in your chosen browser at the official website. The archives of the weekly podcast are also available for listening. The charm of the podcast series is that it features fintech visionaries from around the world creating an all-around perspective of the payment landscape. Around the Coin has also launched two separate series: Behind the Coin (focused on cryptocurrency) and Money on the Move (about money transfers and cross-border payments).

4. Fintech Insider

Fintech Insider by 11:FS is a bi-weekly podcast dedicated to all things fintech, banking, technology, and financial services. 11:FS is a consulting and research firm that builds and launches next-generation digital propositions for FinTech challengers of all sizes. The content of their podcast is as varied and multi-purpose as the company’s operations. The topics discussed are sizzling hot and versatile. For instance, the latest episode is dedicated to how finance interacts with mental health problems amidst the pandemic, how this period of time may be influencing our future financial decisions, and how fintech firms and banks can embed socially responsible features into their products.

5. MoneyPot

A fresh outlook from the most popular global fintech initiative – Money 20/20. Even those who missed their chance to visit annual events featuring Europe’s leading financial institutions, the biggest industry players, and rising superstars from the fintech sector, can get a glimpse behind the scenes of the international gatherings organized by the world’s leading, premium content, sales, and networking platform. The podcast shares original insights, forecasts, and challenging perspectives of the renowned Money 20/20 guests and hosts.

6. Twenty Minute VC

The podcast built around the world of startup investing has developed a brand of its own in the world of tech. Having about 200,000 subscribers and over 80 million downloads, Twenty Minute VC ranks among the top FinTech podcasts. Its creator and host Harry Stebbings have recently become an investor himself. This young entrepreneur has already launched two micro VC funds. Growing his own business from scratch, he has learned from the best investors taking part in this podcast twice a week. It is yet more proof of the great educational potential of Twenty Minute VC.

7. Lend Academy Podcast

Peter Renton, Lend Academy founder and LendIt co-founder, interviews fintech leaders about the demand for loans, technologies facilitating the lending and underwriting processes, overall industry trends, working with delinquencies, etc. Most episodes of the podcast can be viewed as video streaming too. Full conversation transcripts are also available which will help even those not fluent in English to get the full picture of the topics discussed.

8. Fintech Unplugged

The right mix of serious topics and hilarious comments make Fintech Unplugged one of the most prominent representatives of the Edutainment sphere. The unique content is co-presented by two previous Number One influencer in the Payments Power Ten, Robert Courtneidge, and Suresh Vaghjiani. Jeff Banks, the co-founder of Blue Train Marketing, also presents the occasional and unpredictable ‘man on the street’ opinions of Fintech Unplugged.

9. London Fintech Podcast

The podcast, launched in July 2014, is the longest-running and most blue-chip Fintech podcast in Europe. It has been downloaded over 500,000 times in 192 countries around the world, which is a great sign of popularity and meaningfulness. The audience appreciates the depth of the discussed questions, specifically cherishing the given understanding of how to finance as a whole is being impacted and changed by the new digital world. Guests share their opinions on payments, business development, talent base, freelancing challenges, policies and regulations, AI and machine learning, the potential of futuristic technologies, IoT, and many more.

10. American Banker

Financial industry professionals have been turning to American Banker for information since 1836, which is impressive. Of course, at the time the relevant news and opinions were presented only on paper. Since 2016 the newspaper has fully abandoned the traditional format, concentrating on the online version and added a podcast for that multitasking throughout their daily agendas. The podcast covers both traditional and challenging banking perspectives, corporate cultures within the industry, the role of female leaders, digital currencies overview, AI and mobile banking apps, data sharing, scams, etc.


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