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Over 70% of consumers returned to non-essential physical shopping

The new report surveyed consumers across the UK, US, China, and France

non-essential physical shopping

Over 70% of consumers returned to non-essential physical shopping. Source: pixabay.com

According to Mood Media, 71% of global consumers report feeling comfortable returning to physical stores as local lockdowns have eased.

Meanwhile, 31% are spending less money and time shopping in-store than they did before COVID-19. That’s up from 21% spending the same amount of money but less time than before. And only 3% are spending both more money and more time than before the pandemic.

The survey unveils that 60% of US shoppers have already returned to non-essential retail stores. At the same time, only at a rate of 51% for those 55+ in age. US shoppers aged 16-24 are returning to non-essential shopping more conservatively than other countries surveyed, at a rate of 54% compared to a combined rate of 74% elsewhere.

Consumers’ retail habits are still evolving as businesses slowly begin to open again. Many consumers are spending less time in-store and less money per visit, meaning they’ve become mission shoppers focused on getting in and out as quickly as possible
Scott Moore, Global Chief Marketing Officer at Mood Media

Despite the fact 49% of global consumers believe they might catch COVID-19 in-store, 80% feel comfortable with the new safety measures set in place.

The data highlights that the US population stands out as the most worried about catching COVID-19 in-store (60%). Meanwhile, the French express the lowest degree of concern about this possibility (39%).

We’ve reported that Amazon has suspended most inbound shipments for its Fulfillment by Amazon service in Europe. This way, the company aims to free up space for items such as medical supplies, due to the need for these kinds of products amid the coronavirus outbreak.


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