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Throwback Thursday: 10 greatest IPOs in history

We offer you the list of the top 10 staggering global IPOs


Throwback Thursday: 10 greatest IPOs in history. Source: shutterstock.com

Everybody who is interested in the global economy, finances, and e-commerce might remember the day when Alibaba Group literally made history by raising $25B in its initial public offering. It became the world’s largest IPO to date.

PaySpace Magazine offers you the list of the top 10 largest IPOs ever so that you can compare Alibaba’s IPO to other significant ones.

Alibaba Group Holding Limited

Аlibаbа Group Holding Limited – $21.8B. Source: shutterstock.com

Аlibаbа Group Holding Limited, a substantial online China-based e-commerce firm, launched its IPO on September 18, 2014. Initially, they expected to raise no less than $21.8B. However, just in four days, the e-commerce giant managed to sell some extra shares, which totaled $25B. What’s interesting is that Alibaba decided to launch the IPO on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) instead of NASDAQ, which is a more traditional platform, when talking about technology companies.

General Motors Company

General Motors – $20.1B. Source: shutterstock.com

On 16 November 2010 General Motors made a decision to go public. The American automobile manufacturer was able to raise as much as $20.1B in its IPO. Accordingly, this is the biggest ?РО for any U.S.-based firm so far.

Agricultural Bank of China Ltd.

Agricultural Bank of China – $19.2B. Source: shutterstock.com

Agricultural Bank of China, which is sometimes called the “АgВаnk”, launched the second-largest initial public offering ever on July 7, 2010. The bank raised $19.2B. However, as in the case of Al?bаbа, AgBank managed to increase the sum, which totaled $22.1B.

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China

ICBC Bank – $19.1B. Source: shutterstock.com

This huge bank, abbreviated as ICBC Bank, decided to go public on October 20, 2006, with the aim of raising no less than $19.1B. Nevertheless, on 19 January of the following year, the bank decided to use a special option, which is called an overallotment. Thus, this considerable firm raised $21.9B, and that figure made it the third-largest IPO to date.


NТТ DОСОМО – $18.4B. Source: shutterstock.com

NТТ DОСОМО, a Japanese telecommunication expert, launched an IPO on October 22, 1998. The company raised slightly less than $18.4B.

Visa Inc.

Visa Inc – $17.9B. Source: shutterstock.com

Visa Inc. is a major debit and credit card processing company. The firm launched an IPO on March 18, 2008, and was able to raise around $17.9B. What is remarkable about this is that Visa was one of the few companies which raised a significant sum during a global financial crisis.

AIA Group Limited

АIА – $17.8B. Source: shutterstock.com

АIА, an insurance company from Hong Kong, debuted on October 21, 2010. The firm managed to raise more than $17.8B, which is quite impressive even for an Asian life-insurance company.


Еnеl – $17.4B. Source: shutterstock.com

Еnеl S.p.А. decided to go public on November 1, 1999, and this was due to its ability to raise about $17.4B. The gasification and electricity experts from Italy hold the leading position in the European market in this field.


Facebook – $16B. Source: shutterstock.com

Facebook is one of the most recognizable brands in the world. Moreover, it is the biggest social network with the largest number of monthly active users. Facebook launched an IPO on May 1, 2012, and according to official figures, raised more than $16B.

Deutsche Telekom AG

Dеutsсhе Теlеkоm AG – $13B. Source: shutterstock.com

Dеutsсhе Теlеkоm AG is a German-based telecommunications firm that managed to raise no less than $13B on November 17, 1996. The company has 156M mobile clients, 29M fixed-network lines, and approximately 18M broadband lines.


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