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Science & Technology

Ways e-mail marketing in changing with AI

John Peterson




Email marketing is one of the best and most useful ways to reach customers. Since it’s become so easily reachable, it is also becoming incredibly competitive. An average millennial gets at least 100 emails per day, out of which he has to select the ones he’s most interested in.

There are only eight hours in which he/she’s got the chance to choose your email. There is a chance that your products or services are less interesting to the average millennial worker. And so, what happens then? How can you become sure that they’ll pick your emails first?

Artificial Intelligence or AI comes to help. Not only it helps your company automatize responses and be pro-active online, but it also responds to clients based on behavior analysis. That means you don’t have to worry so much about personalizing every single email anymore – AI’s got what you need.

Let’s see some of the most relevant ways in which email marketing is changing with Artificial Intelligence use.

AI marketing

Ways e-mail marketing in changing with AI. Source: pixabay.com

1. Automatically personalizing emails

Customer interaction is necessary in order to build a rapport and create an on-going relationship. You cannot expect your average client to trust your business and products from the start. Customers must feel that your company stands for what they stand for. They need personal interaction. They need to feel important.

AI is a great tool to help out with that. Instead of spending endless time on crafting personalized emails, you can now do that with a click. This will be a great help for your marketing campaign and it’ll also help you connect with clients more easily. Your customers will feel highly valued and they’ll know that their opinion matters. In the end, it’s a win-win situation for everybody.

2. Better subject lines

Research shows that 47% of prospective clients decide whether to open up an email based on the subject line. So, as you can tell, your subject line is highly important to the customer. Is it distinctive enough? Is it authentic? Does it address them directly? Does it catch their attention quickly?

AI can help you figure all of these things out. Using one of its most popular features, natural language retention, it can help your company create and optimize efficient subject lines. This can easily increase customer engagement and maximize traffic to your webpage.

3. No need to worry about email campaigns anymore

In the AI era, everything’s about automation. Your campaigns should be automatized as well, then. It is highly beneficial to spend the time creating effective content on something else that’ll bring you better results in the future. AI allows for just that. Its software helps businesses utilize effective templates when it comes to product promotion.

It also generates optimized emails based on customer behavior and thus, increases your engagement rate. You could use AI to develop blog content, create promotions, and generate links that’ll attract your prospectives in no time.

Of course, AI can also create Call-to-Action buttons that are highly beneficial for your blog or website. These buttons can trigger specific customer responses that’ll make your campaign more successful.

Clear CTAs along with adequate promotions and back-links make up the perfect foundation for an outstanding marketing campaign. Saving time on supporting all of these elements by yourself is important. In the end, time is money, and you could definitely use that time differently or for better purposes.

4. Understanding the optimal times

You don’t have to worry about scheduling emails, Facebook, or Instagram posts anymore, you can simply focus on your tasks while AI will do the rest for you. It can schedule the best time of the day for you to send out specific emails, whether they’re personal or campaign-related. AI can easily analyze and use your customers’ data for facilitating a more successful marketing campaign.

The algorithms used by AI can communicate with your customers in real life, while you’re not even sitting at your computer. It can help them solve important problems and take away some of your responsibilities. It can also analyze subscription rates and figure out which customers open emails more frequently and which don’t.

5. Retargeting if necessary

AI can tell if your customers are not decided on purchasing a product or service. So, they act effectively in creating retargeting strategies. Due to the AI software system, you can know whether a client has left your side, and when that happened. If they left the website with something in their cart, the AI system will automatically remind them of the product within the next days. If the client doesn’t respond, AI will immediately switch to the next customer available, developing better marketing strategies.

Keep a close eye on the performance of your email campaign by utilizing tracking links and analytics tools.


By recognizing patterns and using the latest technology, AI is a must-have for any email marketing campaign. It’ll save you important time and, of course, money. Purchasing such software could get expensive but in the long term, it is totally worth it.

John Peterson is a journalist for write my essay with 4 years’ experience working in London magazine “Shop&buy”. He is a part-time freelancer for Assignment Geek and one of the best essay writers at SuperiorPapers. John is also professional mini-tennis player and he has written a novel “His heart”. You can find him on FB.


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