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Blockchain & Crypto

World’s first electric car to mine cryptocurrency unveiled

Effective today, Daymak is accepting Spiritus pre-order payments in a multitude of crypto

Daymak cryptocurrency

World’s first electric car to mine cryptocurrency unveiled. Source: daymak.com

Daymak, a pioneer in personal Light Electric Vehicles (LEVs), has announced that its upcoming Spiritus electric car will include Daymak Nebula Miner and Nebula Wallet.

Daymak Nebula technology makes Daymak Spiritus the first car in history with mining hardware and cryptocurrency technology programmed into the user interface.

As an emission-free daily driver with solar charging capabilities, Nebula infrastructure turns Daymak’s Spiritus vehicles into environmentally-friendly crypto miner nodes, which is an unprecedented milestone in the rapid evolution of blockchain technologies.

The Spiritus, launching in 2023, is the electric car offering in the Daymak Avvenire series, a robust lineup of EVs spanning e-bikes all the way up to flying electric vehicles.

Effective today, Daymak is accepting Spiritus pre-order payments in a multitude of cryptocurrencies including Doge, Ethereum, Cardano, and Bitcoin.

According to the press release, every Spiritus vehicle will be a node on the Blockchain.

The Spiritus car is for those who want more in life, and we are committed to putting our customers ahead of the curve. We envision a future where your highway tolls, your parking, and your drive thru order will be paid directly on the fly with crypto. Your online bills and your banking can be handled through the same software platform paid in crypto. And whereas most vehicles are depreciating while they sit in your garage, the Nebula Miner will make you money while your Spiritus is parked. The potential applications are limitless
Aldo Baiocchi, President of Daymak

We’ve reported that you can now use Bitcoin to buy a Tesla.


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